11 Keys to Achieving Leadership Effectiveness and Excellence

Your leadership success is possible thanks to 11 key secrets.  These 11 secrets are much more than just secrets. They’re actually the key to your leadership success.  These keys are the 11 E’s that are the surefire ingredients for effective leadership.  These keys will help you unleash your leadership potential and become a great leader.   These are Energy, Enhusiasm and Endurance. They also include Eloquence. Empowerment. Execution. Excellence. We will discuss these 11 E’s succinctly which are the keys to your leadership success.

1. Exemple

Leadership success starts with the first key – Exemple. If we think of leaders like Mother Teresa, Mahatma Buddha and Martin Luther King Jr. what makes them different is their ability to set an example for other people.  They lived out what they preached all their lives. These leaders have made a profound impression on the history of humanity. 

2. Energie 

Your second key to leadership success is Energie. Leaders must have higher levels of energy. It is not just about physical energy. This energy includes all aspects of mental, spiritual, and emotional energy. Leaders like Genghis Khan, Theodore Roosevelt and Barack Obama radiate a lot energy.  Leaders can only be energetic if they are able to inspire and motivate others. 

3. Enthusiasm

Your third key to leadership success is Enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is all about interest in one’s own area of activity.  Although it sounds like passion, enthusiasm is not the same thing as passion. Enthusiasm can be contagious. Bo Bennett rightly said, “Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”

4. Endurance

This is the fourth key. EnduranceThe ability to withstand shocks and setbacks. You are able to be unfeigned and resilient when faced with external challenges.  Leaders shouldn’t give up simply because they have faced a few obstacles.  To motivate followers, leaders must demonstrate perseverance at all costs.  Alexander the Great, at 32 years old, displayed incredible endurance when he conquered the entire world.  Samuel Adams, one the founder fathers of America and Sir Ernest Shackleton the explorer, are both great examples of endurance.  J. Willard Marriott rightly remarked, “Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.” 

“Great leaders do not desire to lead but to serve.” – Myles Munroe

5. Emotional Intelligence

Leadership success can be achieved by five key factors Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence means the ability to understand and recognize your emotions, moods and drive, as well their effects on others.  Emotional intelligence involves listening to others, picking up the hidden data of communication, acknowledging others’ perceptions, and managing people’s egos and emotions.   Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage divergent behavior within a group. Emotional intelligence is a key component of leadership. Research shows that it accounts for 80 percent. 

6. The power of words

The power of wordsThis is your sixth key to success as a leader. The ability to make the speech understandable for all audience members is called Eloquence.   Speaking with elegance, persuasiveness, and fluency is the essence of eloquence.  It is the ability to communicate your thoughts, ideas and insights with ease.  This is a key ingredient of leadership.  It is clear from the examples of Woodrow Wilson and Abraham Lincoln as well as Swami Vivekananda and Winston Churchill, Winston Churchill, Franklin D Roosevelt (Adolph Hitler), Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy that all these great speakers left deep impressions on their followers through their oratory.   

7. Empowerment

Leadership success lies in the seventh key. Empowerment.  Empowerment is giving control to people, encouraging them to take initiative and learn from their mistakes. This builds their confidence and competence. Leaders can emerge over time from followers.   It shows that you trust others and have faith in them. You show trust and confidence in your fellow humans. Because trust is a reciprocal relationship, it can help to empower others and make you a more effective leader. 

8. Effectiveness

EffectivenessYour eighth key to leadership success is your ability to be qualitative. It is about being able to apply your energies and efforts in a qualitative way that leads to effectiveness.  Managers are efficient, leaders are productive.  This means that you are meticulous in your planning and execution, minimizing errors.  This type of work is both high-quality and clever.  Effectiveness is about doing the right thing, not doing it right. Peter Drucker rightly said, ”Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes.” 

9. Execution

Leadership success lies in the ninth key. Execution.  Execution can be described as a system of understanding and executing ground reality and then taking action.  You can use it to accomplish a mission.  It is the bridge between vision and reality. It acts as a link between strategy, reality and vision.  This bridges the gap between vision and reality.  This ingredient is essential for any leader to be effective. Jamie Dimon rightly remarked, “I’d rather have a first-rate execution and second-rate strategy any time than a brilliant idea and mediocre management.” 

10. Excellence

ExcellenceThis is the 10th key to leadership success. Leadership requires leaders to excel in each area of their chosen field. Leaders will be respected and admired by those around them.  Excellence is not synonymous with perfection.  Excellence can be defined as being the best.  Leaders want to excel and are always striving for the best. 

11. Ethics

The eleventh and final key to leadership success is Ethics. When leaders possess all the ten E’s and fall short of this eleventh E, they get into the abyss.  Deficient ethics within the corporate sector is the reason for the global financial crisis.  Leadership success and effectiveness are dependent on ethics, which builds trust and inspires confidence in others.   

We can summarize the definition of leadership as follows: “Leadership starts with Example and ends with Ethics and in the middle there are other E’s such as Energy, Enthusiasm, Endurance, Emotional Intelligence, Eloquence, Empowerment, Effectiveness, Execution, and Excellence.  All these 11 E’s are the surefire ingredients to excel as a successful leader.  Any deficiency in any one of these E’s affects leadership effectiveness adversely.” 

Addicted 2 Success first published 11 Keys to Leadership Effectiveness and Excellence.

Addicted 2 Success published the article 11 Keys for Leadership Excellence and Effectiveness.

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