3 Unspoken Lessons Gifted Through Experience

Stocks fascinated me as a child. It was thrilling to be able make informed decisions and potentially increase my initial investment. Although my initial investments weren’t nearly as significant as those of my younger years, they were still huge. My passion for the financial industry grew as I made every investment. I eventually decided to be a wealth advisor. I was entering a male-dominated field when I did this. So naturally, I began to learn how to be competitive among my colleagues and peers.

“Experience is the teacher of all things.” Julius Caesar

With my wealth advisory experience growing over the years, I began to realize what unsaid lessons helped me propel my career. Although I have read a lot of books about human behavior and industry best practices, I didn’t find the key to my success as an entrepreneur. These lessons were gained through experience – which is something that money can’t buy. As a player in my career, chess had to take its course.

These are the three lessons that I learned from my experience.

  1. Do the thank-you dance. We live in a world that requires us to be efficient with our time – so for many people, a thank you comes in the form of an email or a social media comment. Both mediums are not warm and require a genuine investment of your time. There are two things that money can’t buy – time and youth. The impact of a handwritten note thanking you for your kindness is much greater than if someone spends time writing it. This gesture says, “I value you, and I wanted to invest my time in making sure you knew that,” versus, “This is a formality, so I wanted to check it off my list.” Remember that your actions speak for you too. You should be proud of what you do.
  2. The power of a tribe is worth reconsidering. Life – and business – are team sports. Your growth is dependent on having the right people in your team. These people should not just be cheerleaders – they should be people who can provide you with support and constructive feedback so that you can grow. Valued are those who dare to share key perspective – especially if it challenges the popular perspective. You will often find the right guidance to help you thrive.
  3. Implement “Off” Time. It takes time and effort to build a reputation and develop a career. In a 24/7 world, business professionals expect to be available at all times. Trusted counsel who is tired can make guidance seem unwise. All things – including our trusted devices like smartphones and computers – need time to recharge. Don’t be afraid to observe off-hours to serve your clients better.

I have found these best practices to be a huge game changer in my life. Through investing time in proper “thank yous,” I’ve connected on a much more personal level with clients and colleagues. By being selective with whom I allow into my tribe, I’ve fostered a network of support around me who often say the unpopular thing in order to serve my best interest. Being able to draw on the constructive advice I received has enabled me to learn, which was a blessing. Implementing time off can seem more complicated than it seems, but I’ve seen my guidance become sharper and more effective as I approach the task with a clearer view. However, the greatest lesson of all lies in the choice to share what you know so you can invest in others… it’s a lesson that gives back in priceless ways.

Addicted 2 Success published the post Three Unspoken Lessons Learned From Experience.

Addicted 2 success published the article 3 Unspoken Lessons Learned from Experience.

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