What Type of Pain do I Have and what should I do for Pain Management explained by Dr Jay Feldman. Your nervous system sends pain signals to your brain that something is wrong. Pain is an unpleasant sensation, such as a sting, sting, burn or prick.
It can be difficult to pinpoint the kind of pain you’re experiencing, says Dr Jay Feldman. This checklist can aid you in determining your type of pain and contributing factors. Complete it before you visit your doctor.
If you’ve got a young child who is suffering from discomfort, says Dr Jay Feldman
How Do I Manage My Pain?
There is a variety of pain-relieving medication and each class functions in a different manner that help in Pain Management. Many medications can be classified under one of the following categories:
A medicine that isn’t similar to the drug morphine (an opioid) but isn’t addicting (eg aspirin, acetaminophen, and other NSAIDs)
The weaker opioids
It is a drug that is like the drug morphine (an opioid) but is not considered robust eg tramadol, or codeine.
Mixation opioids
These consist of an opioid that is non-opioid, an opioid with a weak effect, or a strong opioid (eg hydrocodone, acetaminophen, and ascertain)
Strong opioids
It is a type of drug like morphine or similar to morphine, that has the potential for addiction e.g Fentanyl, morphine or Oxycodone
Treatments in Pain Management adjuvant is a medication that helps relieve the discomfort by reducing inflammation, or by improving the performance in another system (eg cannabidiol and capsaicin cream gabapentin)
Treatments that are not pharmacological (drug-free treatment) for example, counseling or psychotherapy.
The decision to use a pain reliever depends on its effectiveness of it for the kind of pain as well as the possibility of adverse negative effects for the particular patient.
What happens when you start Pain Management?
When pain medicine is initiated, it must be examined for its effectiveness and any adverse reactions, and the dosage or method of treatment is modified if discomfort changes or the treatment is considered to be ineffective or unsuitable.
Certain kinds that cause suffering (such as ones related to cancer) can have an erratic course that may vary drastically in intensity and duration depending on the kind of treatment used and the progress of the disease. Pain treatment requires some flexibility to take into account this.
Multiple types of discomfort
Some people suffer from multiple types of discomfort. The method of administration of pain medication could increase the effectiveness of pain medication, for instance switching from oral medication to a patch, or an under-the-eye pain pump.
In the past, experts recommend a gradual method of managing pain, starting with acetaminophen or NSAIDs before moving on to a weak opioid (such as dihydrocodeine, codeine, or tramadol) and finally, stronger opioids (such as oxycodone, fentanyl, and morphine).
But this “Pain Ladder” was indeed developed in 1986. Other drugs that aren’t analgesics may also be efficient in alleviating pain. Furthermore, opioids should only be prescribed for specific kinds of pain due to the possibility of dependence. Today, a modified three-step pain management ladder can be utilized, but it should always be based on the kind of pain.
Pain Management for Specific Types of Pain
Certain medications are thought to be better for specific types of pain when compared to others. Things like the source of symptoms, genes, interplay with medicines or supplements, along with the presence of coexisting diseases, influence the effectiveness of a medication. Treatment options for different kinds of pain include:
Acute pain Nonopioids strong opioids, nonpharmacological treatments like bioelectric therapy or ice, chronic pain Nonopioids strong opioids, antidepressants, capsaicin cream, and non-pharmacological treatments, such as radiotherapy, bioelectric therapy, and radiation therapy
“Breakthrough” pain: short-acting opioids, non-pharmacological treatments, such as the use of acupuncture or relaxation techniques
Bone pain Bisphosphonates, nonopioids, and opioids, nutritional supplements Surgery
The pain of the nerve Antidepressants and anticonvulsants, capsaicin cream Nonpharmacological treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Phantom pain Nonopioids antidepressants, anticonvulsants ketones, nonpharmacological treatments like acupuncture, or repetitive transcranial magnet stimulation.
Pain in the soft tissues’ corticosteroids, non-opioids Nonpharmacological treatments include the use of ice, physiotherapy, or ultrasonography.
The term refers to such as nonopioids cold/warm compresses or cold/warm ones, and nonpharmacological treatments like the application of massage, or transcutaneous electrical stimulation.