From Realtor to Successful Inventor and Entrepreneur

Korri Wright is a Realtor and an inventor for home goods products like the Blade Butler, Unlimiscent and Unlimiscent. She joins Enterprise Radio.

Hear to host Eric Dye & guest Korri Wright discuss the following:

  1. Tell the audience about yourself and your journey to become an inventor.
  2. We would love to hear about the products you offer, The Blade Butler or Unlimiscent. Let us know where you can be found by our readers.
  3. Do you have any advice for budding entrepreneurs?
  4. Are there any products that you would like to offer the market?
  5. How can you find time to manage your life, family and busy schedule?

Korri Wright, a highly successful Realtor based in Yuma (AZ), currently works as a project manager for Innocasa Holdings. Her real estate license is held by Matt Fischer Realty. While working in real estate; Korri spends her evenings and weekends inventing household products such as The Blade Butler and Unliminiscent and have more home products launching down the road.

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Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN.

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