People love failure and most people are happy with success. Success has many sons and failure has none. This is a well-known truth. Many people don’t realize that failures, setbacks and subsequent successes are the only way to success. Only those who learn from their failures and make amends can achieve success. People who fail differently than others are successful.
Can Success be achieved without failure?
It is impossible to achieve success without failing. True success is achieved through several setbacks and failures. It takes sacrifices and hard work to achieve success. Failures teach us valuable lessons. If we take a look at some of the most successful global businesses like Microsoft or Apple Computers we can see how they experienced intermittent failures during their entrepreneurial journey. But they did learn from what didn’t work and went on to succeed. Failures are the only way to fail.
Success is not counted by the size of one’s initial splash. You will see that many start-ups have experienced failures in the beginning. High failure rates are common among entrepreneurs in their first generation.
Are you able to react or act on failures?
There are highs and lows in life. Lows are often reacted to rather than acted upon by people. It is easy to react negatively to distracting factors, but if we act it can be a good approach. If you are faced with repeated failures it is crucial to be patient, listen, and then get feedback before moving on. Failure to do this can lead to further failures. Keep cool and take some time to think through the issues. Then, move on and avoid more disasters. React to any failures, but not at all.
Are Failures a Friend, or Foe?
If you handle failure well, it will be like having a trusted friend to correct and encourage you. You will become stronger, tougher and more wise after you have failed. If you are able learn to overcome failures often, then you’ll be more able handle them. Failures can also prevent you from falling further because you are more cautious in your approach and efforts.
Do Leaders Often Fail?
Warren Bennis once said, ‘Around the globe humanity currently faces three extraordinary threats: the threat of annihilation as a result of nuclear accident or war; the threat of a worldwide plague or ecological catastrophe; and a deepening leadership crisis in most of our institutions.’ In addition, it is rightly said that leaders fail due to four reasons: lack of vision, poor communication, tolerance for organizational fragmentation, and character flaws.
Because leaders take on more risk in their daily lives, they are more likely to fail than their followers. Leaders are expected to be more involved in decisions-making. As all decisions don’t result in fruitful outcomes, there is greater scope for failure. But they are aware that failing is part of the business and take it in stride. Followers, however, worry more about failings because they don’t have a habit of making regular decisions. Most of their time, instead, is spent on execution rather than decision-making.
“Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” -Robert Kiyosaki
Reagan’s Resilience
Ronald Reagan was born from humble beginnings. Ronald Reagan was an example of hard work and success, having overcame many hardships. His first wife Jane Wyman divorced him in 1948. He didn’t feel depressed. In his movie career, he failed. He didn’t lose heart. General Electric terminated his contract. He didn’t seem bothered. In 1976’s primary election, he lost to Gerald Ford. He didn’t let it break his spirit. Reagan took many lessons from his setbacks, failures, and successes. Every failure taught Reagan lessons that made him stronger, smarter and more determined to overcome the odds against him.
Reagan bounced back after every setback with perseverance and determination. Reagan was determined and firm to become the president of the United States. While most people only know about Reagan’s comfortable life, they need to be aware that Reagan was not without hardships and challenges. He learned from every failure, and bounced back like the Phoenix.
Hence, to be successful in your life, never say ‘No’ to opportunities. Be ready for anything because opportunities may come knocking. Learn about your talents and core strengths, then develop the skills and abilities that go with them. You can set strong goals and tackle challenges head-on. You can build your own network, and you will be able to take advantage of all the possibilities.
Lincoln’s Lessons
He had only seen lows and highs all his life. He failed at all of his attempts. This is the story of a man who only received formal education for one year. His first attempts at formal education were unsuccessful in every aspect of his life, including professional, personal and social. Abraham Lincoln is the symbol of hope for all people, even those from modest backgrounds.
Abraham Lincoln made many mistakes. Abraham Lincoln had many failures as a lawyer, storekeeper and postmaster before becoming a successful politician. He also had many failures as a politician. But he didn’t forget his mistakes and continued growing.
At last, the lessons he had learned throughout his life helped him become the President of America and evolve as a great leader who went on to win the Civil War, abolish slavery and restore America’s morale.
Lincoln was certainly one of America’s greatest Presidents and was emulated by subsequent American Presidents. Whenever the Presidents of America faced challenges, they would look towards Abraham Lincoln’s life for inspiration and leadership nuggets. Lincoln would have been a terrible leader if he had not taken his failures seriously.
Failure can be a feedback
You can learn from failure. You can use it to assess the situation and determine where you are failing. Which were the causes and reasons for failure? Did it happen because of internal or external causes? It makes you more humble as you learn to empathize from others’ perspectives. God gives people challenges. No one can experience constant growth in their lives. There will be peaks and valleys in one’s life. These are what allow people to live a life full of excitement. Life will be boring for all eternity if it doesn’t.
God and challenges
Although challenges don’t make us weaker or less resilient, they can strengthen our determination to overcome them. Not only do they not bring down our spirits forever but also help us realize the potential of what we can achieve. God allows us to learn from our mistakes. God places obstacles in our path so we can overcome them. God challenges us to test our characters. Only when we fail or fall can God reveal the real character of a person. Any Tom, Dick and Harry will blow their trumpets when things are going well. True inner strength can only be discovered when a man falls and fails.
Albert Einstein said, ‘I think and think for months and years, ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. For the hundredth time, I’m right. It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.’ Failure indeed delays progress, but it teaches several hard lessons that people fail to learn from others. There are many opportunities hidden in failures. Modern society doesn’t tolerate failure. It makes it difficult to succeed. It is important to be able to prevent failure. If they do, it’s best for them not only to bounce back but also to learn valuable lessons.
The post Here’s What You Need to Know About Failure first appeared on Addicted 2 Success.
The post Here’s What You Need to Know About Failure appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.