Enterprise Radio’s Steve Prentice is an expert in organizational psychology. He specializes in the intersection where technology and people interact. His fourth book is entitled The Future of Workplace Fear – How Human Reflex Stands in the Way of Digital Transformation.
Enterprise Radio has teamed up with Author Channel for this episode.
Hear to host Eric Dye & guest Steve Prentice discuss the following:
- Digital transformation seems to promise a great many changes to the workforce and to business. What makes you believe fear is a hindrance to digital transformation?
- How did this book come to be?
- Can you give me some examples of how organizations can plan their digital transformation in a way that will avoid the problems brought about by workplace fear?
- Which types of fear are you discussing in your book?
- Is the new norm something you actually believe in, or just hype? Is the workplace really experiencing a shift?
- Is there a greater positive result that you believe people could get by reading your book than the one you have?
- How can people help you deal with workplace fears like the ones that you described?
Steve Prentice works as an expert in organizational psychology. He focuses on how people and technology interconnect. His work helps individuals and companies understand one another, as well as the technology they use and the effects these have on them. As a writer, speaker, journalist and lecturer at universities, he focuses on the acceptance by humans of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and blockchain. His fourth book is entitled The Future of Workplace Fear – How Human Reflex Stands in the Way of Digital Transformation (Apress, May 9, 2022) and it focuses on this one key fact: humans are driven by Be afraid, and its roots are much deeper than they appear — anyone who seeks to deploy digital Transformation successfully must understand this.
Website: https://steveprentice.com
Social Media Links:
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/stevenprentice
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StevenPrentice
Hashtags Preferred:
#futureofwork #newnormal #changemanagement #hybridworkplace #fear
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Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN first published How Fear Obstructs Digital Transformation In the Workplace