It can impact how you feel about the world. Do you consider yourself an optimist or pessimist? Are you a pessimist, optimist or realist?
Here’s a look at what I mean by these terms and how it can help you improve your life.
How can you improve your outlook?
It is a great thing to be able identify your life outlook. It is always good to be self-aware so you can make better decisions. Understanding yourself can help you understand others better.
The more you know about your outlook, the better you’ll be able to understand your strengths. You’ll also be able to work on improving your weaker areas.
Is it a Realist or an Optimist?
You can see the world in many ways. One person may see water half-full, and another half empty. Some people will take responsibility for what happens to them, while others will look at external causes.
While some can see the positive side and see the silver linings in all situations, others are more concerned about what might happen. Others can quickly change their minds and adjust to changing circumstances. They are sometimes referred to as optimism, pessimism and realism.
A pessimist is someone who believes the future will be more difficult than either the past or the present. A realist thinks that the future may be worse than either the past or the present. An optimist is confident that the future will prove better than any of the two.
Your outlook: How do you identify it?
The pessimist predicts the worst in almost all situations. These people are more concerned with the negative than positive outcomes and tend to look for possible problems rather than possibilities.
These questions are a sign that you may be pessimists if you have answered “yes” to more than three of them.
- Are you at your worst?
- Is it challenging to find happiness?
- Do you look for the negative in every situation?
- Are you prone to expecting things not to work out?
A optimist tends to anticipate the best outcome for most situations. An optimist is someone who looks for the good in every situation and focuses on what could go well.
These questions are good indicators that you’re optimistic.
- Are you happy?
- Are you able to find positive things easy?
- Is it possible to always see the good side of everything?
- Are you one of those people who expects things to be perfect?
Realists are somewhere in the middle of optimism and pessimism. While realists believe the glass is half-full, they can still deal with disappointments. They base their decisions on facts and not emotion, and they try to consider all aspects.
You might consider yourself a realist if you answer yes to three or more of the following questions:
- Are you able to balance your life?
- Make decisions that are based on facts.
- Are you more inclined to look at the positive or negative sides of each situation?
- What do you think the chances are that something will go wrong?
Strengths and weaknesses to being an optimist
Research studiesPositive people tend to be healthier and more resilient than those who are less positive. Positive people live longer and recover quicker from illness or surgery, are more resilient to financial hardships, have happier social lives, and tend to be healthier.
Optimists who are overly optimistic can lead to an optimism bias that could cause them to take unnecessary risk. These people may underestimate the effort and time required to accomplish something.
Being optimistic can help people achieve their goals. A positive outlook can attract positive people to your life. Positive people are more inclined to solve problems creatively.
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision” – Dalai Lama
The Strengths and Weaknesses Of Being A Pessimist
Pessimists are prepared to face any situation. Many pessimists have a Plan B, or even Plan C. They are also not afraid of changing. Also, pessimists tend to be more detailed-oriented and are often very organized.
People who are pessimists can have low self-esteem or be critical of themselves. Pessimists often focus on the negative and think that the future is going to be more difficult than what happened in the past. They can be prevented from living up to their potential, which can lead to unnecessary stress.
That being said, pessimists are often better prepared to handle difficult circumstances because they have learned to recognize when things aren’t as they appear. Pessimists are less likely to get taken advantage of.
There are strengths and weaknesses to being a realist
The main benefit of identifying as a realist is that you’ll be able to see things for what they truly are and take everything into account before making a decision. Because they consider all aspects before making a decision, realists tend to be practical and straightforward. Because they are able to weigh all options, realists often have the ability to solve problems.
They are not easily influenced by emotions, and they can often be harsh. Realists may miss opportunities due to their inability to see the potential risks.
Realists often have the ability to base their decisions on facts rather than emotions. Realists are more likely to avoid making mistakes, and they can prepare for any eventuality. Because they can see both positive and negative sides to every situation, it makes them adaptable.
Improve your outlook
A positive attitude is the best type of outlook. However, it should be balanced with practicality and a realistic outlook. It allows you to enjoy life to its fullest, while also being ready for possible setbacks. You may find yourself leaning more to one or both of these sides. It’s time to take a step back.
You can become more positive by looking for the best in everything and learning to be optimistic. Visualization is a way to visualize yourself reaching your goals. Write a list of gratitude and thank God for all the positive things in your life.
Realistically, you need to take all factors into consideration when taking on big decisions. Don’t let your emotions stop you from making the right decision. List all of the benefits and drawbacks to every situation. Meditation and mindfulness can also be used to help you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts in the moment.
Whether you are an optimist, pessimist, realist, or somewhere in between, it’s important to realize your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing oneself and one’s skills and areas of improvement is important since it allows you to continually grow. There are always opportunities to improve and make a difference in your life.