Remember This: Your Boss Isn’t God

“People ask the difference between a leader and a boss…. A leader is open and a boss closed. The leader leads and the boss drives.”  famously said by Theodore Roosevelt.

The caption of this article probably puts you in a fix whether you have to massage your boss’s ego. We will be closing with some information about the differences between leaders and bosses, as well as four types of organizational behavior (OB).  

Modalities of Organizational Behavior

There are four types of organizational behavior: autocratic (custodial), supportive, collegial, and supportive.  In the beginning, employees were subject to employers’ will. The autocratic model won.  The employees were treated as workers and did what the bosses asked.  A second model, custodial, was developed. This allows employees to be protected from firing and provides them with financial and non-financial security.  

The supportive model, where workers are provided support by their bosses and employers, is also a part of the new system.  It’s a lot better than previous custodial or autocratic models. We currently have a collegial system where the hierarchy is not too skewed and all requests are met equally. Generation Y values this collegial approach, which is widely followed by American managers and the top companies around the globe.  This model will have no bosses, but only leaders. We do still see bosses disguised as leaders. 

Bosses versus Leaders

Leaders and bosses have a distinct difference. Bosses tend to be arrogant, egotistical, and often have a workaholic mentality. Russell H. Ewing differentiates between bosses and leaders as follows: “A boss creates fear, leader confidence. Leaders correct mistakes and fix blame. A boss is the one who takes responsibility. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.” 

People who work for bosses have a hard time getting along with them because their expectations are very high. They are also task-oriented and often expect too much. Leaders, on the other hand, are people-oriented and task-orientated with the desire to improve the lives of others. Leadership is transformational. Leaders treat their subordinates with respect and execute the tasks well.  

Leaders support their subordinates’ training and development, and accelerate their careers.  Leaders listen and empathize with their subordinates to lead their teams well. 

You must be careful when working under a boss. As long as you do your work sincerely you don’t have to bother your boss, and you don’t have to massage his or her ego. It is enough to assert yourself in all aspects of your communications, including actions and approach.  

Here are some tips to help you manage your boss

  • Your boss should be treated with respect, not at the expense of your integrity. To get your tasks done smoothly, be in good standing with your boss. However, be aware of the difference between flattery or praise. 
  • Your boss won’t be able to tell you how strong you are in your area. Respect is earned.  
  • Avoid arguing with your boss because there is a popular cliché – ‘boss is always right’. Keep your opinions to yourself. If organizational problems are at stake, voice your opinion. 
  • Keep your relationships strong by being professional. 
  • Don’t surprise your boss.  Your boss should be kept informed of any important work you perform. Your boss shouldn’t feel neglected or ignored. 
  • Avoid egoism by emphasizing ideas over individuals in organizational aspects. 
  • You can keep your boss from getting into trouble by keeping him in good humor. This will help you avoid any organizational politics. It will also ensure that the workplace is peaceful. 

It is often said in the corporate world that people don’t leave organizations but they leave bad bosses. This is often true, as many organizations can be good. However, the leaders are frequently problematic for employees. It is better not to blame bad bosses. Instead, get to know your boss and make sure you are compatible to help build trust and harmony. 

Bad bosses are not your choice. You can’t change organizations just for having bad ones. It is important to get to know your employees and their personalities so that you can create the right chemistry for a productive workplace environment. 

The post Remember This: Your Boss Isn’t God first appeared on Addicted 2 Success.

The post Remember This: Your Boss Isn’t God appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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