You’re driving down the highway, and you start hearing grinding noises. Or maybe your car suddenly drops out of gear. These signs indicate something is wrong with your vehicle, and it’s likely a problem with the transmission.
There are many types of transmissions and many different problems, but there are five main transmission issues that will cause the most common symptoms.
These are the five most common transmission problems and what you need to know about them.
1. Grinding or Shaking During Gear Changes
If your car is shaking or grinding during gear changes, it signals transmission failure. The most common cause is worn gears inside the transmission. In some cases, the problem may be caused by other issues such as bad bearings or seals.
Contact a transmission specialist immediately if you suspect your transmission needs to be replaced or rebuilt.
2. Transmission Fluid Leak
A transmission fluid leak can cause damage to the transmission, engine, and catalytic converter.
A transmission fluid leak refers to dripping from the front of your car when it’s parked. There are a few common causes of this problem:
- A loose fitting somewhere inside or outside the vehicle.
- A damaged seal on the valve body or torque converter.
- A broken line or hose.
3. Transmission Slips When in Gear
If you’re experiencing slipping when in gear, it could be one of several different things.
First, check that your transmission fluid is full and clean. If the fluid is dirty or burned, you need to get the transmission flushed out by a professional transmission specialist.
Next, check for leaks around the transmission or elsewhere on your vehicle that could be causing contamination of the fluid and affecting its functionality. A transmission specialist can run an engine diagnostic test to ensure there aren’t any issues with your car’s computer system.
Finally, if none of these apply and your car still has trouble shifting gears smoothly when driving normally (not accelerating rapidly), there may be damage from wear-and-tear that will require replacement parts such as clutches, pressure plates, or gears.
4. Burning Smell
If your vehicle emits a burning smell, check the fluid level. Overheating can be dangerous and cause severe damage to your transmission, so make sure that’s not the issue before investigating further.
Next, look for any signs of contamination in the fluid. Contamination can come from debris inside or outside the transmission, but it doesn’t always mean something is wrong with your car’s gearbox.
If you find no contaminants present, check for excessive wear or noise. Both could indicate trouble later if they aren’t dealt with soon enough.
5. The Transmission Warning Light Stays On
- Transmission fluid level low: If your car’s transmission warning light is on, it could mean that the fluid level in the transmission is too low. Have your mechanic check to see if you need a new part or if it’s a simple fix like topping off the fluid and replacing a filter.
- Transmission fluid level high: This can be caused by dirty or contaminated fluid, burnt-out transmission seals, or overfilled transmission fluid. If none of these apply, you may have a stuck valve in your car’s hydraulic system that needs to be fixed by a transmission specialist.
The first step in diagnosing a transmission problem is knowing what to look for. There are many things to consider when diagnosing a car’s transmission, but these are five of the most common transmission problems you’re likely to experience.
Transmission Diagnosis and Repair in Houston
Don’t let transmission problems get you down. Your transmission is likely repairable, and it may not be as complicated or costly as you think. Knowing the signs to watch for and which repairs are most common, you can proactively address an issue before it becomes an expensive repair job.To schedule preventative transmission service or diagnose a problem with your transmission, contact Circle D Transmission at 713-895-7019, or book an appointment online.