I’ve always had ambitious goals but I also struggle with a chemical imbalance that causes my To be totally depleted of energy. Ambitious goals, no energy to get there…those two things don’t mix well together. Over the years, I tried different habits to find out which ones would be most effective in boosting my energy levels. my days they’d work best.
Below, I’ve identified the energizing habits you can implement to get through the 6 weakest points of your day.
The Weak Point: Start of Your Day
Sayu is a Japanese word for plain hot water. Sayu can be enjoyed right after you get up. Sayu helps improve blood circulation and detoxify the body.
Sayu: Your Day Starts With Energizing Habit
When you get up, boil some water. Sayu is a wonderful way to get started in the morning, and it can also be an excellent way to kick start your day.
Number 2: Pre-Meeting
This will make you more confident and energized before meetings. Presenting our bodies causes the body to go into fight or flight. Fighting or fleeing is what we do. We give in. Here’s a quick habit that you can adopt before you meet.
An Energizing Habit for Pre-Meeting
- Take a deep breath in and exhale through your nose.
- Place your arms in front of yourself
- Your left arm should be extended all the way towards the left.
- Your right arm should extend to your right.
- Take them with you so that your hands can touch
- They are yours!
- Do it 10 times more
You can feel more confident and energized when you go to your meetings by using openers.
Our weak point #3: Eat Lunch
We are all guilty of eating lunch while scrolling through email or looking at our phones. This can also be called energizing. The beauty of nature is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. This helps to improve your health by lowering blood pressure and heart beat, as well as muscle tension. and stress hormone production.
Lunch Time Energizing Habit: Watch nature scenes during your lunch
“Life is an echo. The echo of your words is what comes back. You reap what you sow. You get what you sow. What you see in others, exists in you.” – Zig Ziglar
Fourth Weakness: 2-3:30 pm slump
It’s not you. It’s universal. This is when our energy drops and we tend to forget what’s most important. A vigilance breaks can help you get out of the 2-3 PM slump. Veterans Health Administration has implemented a vigilance stop between 2 and 3 pm.
A year later, the rate of surgical death (how many people are killed) had dropped to 5%. died during or shortly after surgery) dropped 18 percent.” Amazing!
2-3 pm Slump Energizing Habit:
- Every day at 2pm, block out five minutes of your time
- In the five-minute time, go over these 4 points to ensure you deliver. on your day
- Give yourself a pat on the back, you earned it
5th Weakness: Moment of overwhelm
For most people, workdays can become quite chaotic. Sometimes it is possible to feel overwhelmed and even depressed. Completely overwhelming. It can feel overwhelming to think of all the things we need to accomplish, which could paralyze us. This can lead to a tendency to look for distractions instead of narrowing in.
A Energizing Habit to Help You Get Overwhelmed
- Take a breath in through your nose for a count of 4 (1,2,3,4…)
- Hold for a count of 4 (1,2,3,4…)
- Exhale for a count of 4 (1,2,3,4…)
- You can choose one job that will give you the highest return, if it is something you are able to focus on. Next 60-minutes
- Concentrate on that single task
- Continue to do so as necessary
No. 6 Weakness: End of the day
You will feel energized and not exhausted at the end of your day. You might feel the need to shut down your computer after you have completed your last meeting. Walk away and return the next day. Five minutes spent tying your bow is a good idea. Then, take a peek at the day after. The energy revolution.
Cap off your Day with an Energizing Habit
- You can take 5 minutes off the last day of work
- In those five minutes, go through your calendar.. Did you send the follow up’s you promised?
- Check out your email messages quickly. Are you able to respond to emails that you promised?
- How can you plan your day to be productive? Maybe it’s adding prep time or blocking off time to go for a walk.
You can start by adopting one of the 6 Energizing Habits. Which one stood out for you most? You can add another one after you’ve completed the first for a full week.
If you crack too many Energizing Habits at once, it’s similar to cracking eggs you’ll create a mess. If you crack one Energizing Habit at a time you’ll get to a beautiful outcome.
Addicted 2 Success first published the post 6 Worst Points Everyday and How To Overcome These.
Addicted 2 Success’s post, The 6 Most Weak Points Every Day: How To Overcome These appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.