5 Pillars Of Content Strategy With Talkytimes

Content Strategy

Talkytimes is a place where you can find innovative and enthusiastic creators. It is moderately competitive, but the community allows you to express yourself freely from other streamers. There is no surprise that video content is becoming more popular than any other type of content.

But not everyone who creates content online is an expert. There are many people out there who don’t know what they are doing, including amateurs and newbies. It is likely you’re struggling to get noticed and break into the top. It is likely, though, that the number of competition online makes it harder to get noticed. That excuse wouldn’t fly, especially on Talkytimes, since the competition is not so stiff, and the audience is quite open-minded. The more potent reason is that you haven’t mastered the full layout of a strong content strategy.

Today we’ll be going through something we, at Talkytimes, refer to as the 5 pillars of content strategy. 👇

These five pillars are the basis of content creation success. Each aspect of content creation will be covered and explained with these five points. These points will stimulate your thinking, help you solve current and future issues, and provide you with ongoing thriving results as you create content.

You have likely made the choice to become a content creator full-time, or part-time. Analyzing the number of followership it was found that worldwide there are over 200,000,000 content creators by 2021. However, this value could be underestimated or not considered fully. So you can get an idea of some other highly determined content creators around the globe, this is what we are trying to do. We can now move forward once you have decided that you want to be a part of the creative community.



Your online identity should be your first priority. You will be different from other content creators if your brand stands out. This is how you can be distinguished from other content creators. It is very possible for your content to be so good but still go unnoticed because there’s no unique label to identify you by. If all brands of ketchup on the store counter had the same label or no label at all, then Heinz wouldn’t be so special. 

Your brand is a creative entity that can include any number of things and everything.

  • Your name
  • Logo/colour/picture
  • Dress code
  • A word/statement/punchline/catchphrase
  • The sound of etc.

Everything you do, say or show regularly becomes part of your brand identity. Your brand identity has an impact on the brand image of everyone who sees your content. It allows you some control over how it is presented.

Another thing you should discuss is its inspiration. Your personal preferences and character will influence most aspects of branding. Your content and your target audience must also be considered when branding is done. While the target audience is what will be examined next, it’s important to remember that they are involved in brand identity decisions. Take for example you create content for children between the ages of 5 to 10, you should have an understanding that they wouldn’t exactly be online. Their parents must carefully examine your content before they will decide whether or not to allow their children to view it. To maintain and gain your audience, you must show caution and avoid any form of corruption or negativity.


Many content creators believe that this is the most essential pillar. That’s up to you to decide. However, your audience is an integral part of content creation. Everything you do from planning to production to the release and aftermath, as well as the creation of content for it all, must be thought about the audience.

It is important to identify your target audience. Every person who has access to your content online is called the global audience. According to 63%, the Internet is used daily by the majority of people worldwide. That’s more than six billion users. Your content has a huge reach. There’s enough to go round on the table, but you do not have the stomach for it all. You don’t have to eat all the delicious food. Ergo, your target audience.

Your target audience will be the part of your worldwide audience to which you design your content. Your branding will be shaped by them, as well as the content that you publish (e.g. They will also help you structure your branding along with the content that you put out (i.e.

It is not possible to have a branding-content relationship that is synchronous. One doesn’t come before the other, they are intertwined. You tailor your brand to suit your target audience while also picking your target audience using the criteria of your brand’s message. 

These criteria will be considered in a target audience analysis.

  • Age category
  • Gender
  • Lage
  • Niveau of education 
  • Hobbies
  • Social class/income

A note of caution is to not totally ignore the people who you haven’t classified within your target audience. They might not take precedence, but if you have the ability to satisfy both your target audience and other groups with your content, it wouldn’t hurt.


Since it is what is prepared, it would seem that this should be first. These pillars, which have been discussed previously, are the foundation for your content. Your content is probably what you come up with first, or at least what you think about first, but it shouldn’t be the first thing you plan.

However, this doesn’t take anything from the content. It’s still an essential part of the content creation process. 

Before you release your content, there are many important things that you should remember.

  • Topics (niche) – Find the right niche for you. You need to find the niche that will work for you. You have many options for niches, including fashion, lifestyle, fitness and sports. Your knowledge of the topic, its popularity among your target audience and your passion about it are three key factors in your choice.
  • Delivery – While video content has been shown to be more engaging than text-based media, many creators also use audio, text and photos. There may be a way for you to combine them all. You should do a thorough study about what you would like to share and how it will be used. Images are more stress-free than videos, for those with short attention spans. You also need to consider the platform you select. Talkytimes has more video content creators than it does streamers.
  • Timing & Consistency – Content creation is powered by consistency. Your journey will be easier if you can keep creating content, despite not receiving enough engagements. The production takes a lot of idea-generation, planning and implementation,  but even after all that, Timing your releases is also as important.  You can release your information at regular times or randomly. No matter what the content, it must be released at a time that is comfortable for both you and your audience. You should also know how to read the room so you can determine when and what content is best. There are many ways to release great content in the wrong moment.


When you have successfully created a unique brand for yourself, selected the primary target audience you would like to structure your content for, and have been able to back it all up with great content that has been strategically calculated, what’s next?

This would mean that you were getting lots of engagements. The engagements usually start on an upward path and then stop at a point where they seem stuck. The plateau can be frustrating, and it could cause you to feel like your business is in decline. This is when positioning and promotions are important.

You have to begin to put your content in places where they haven’t been but in a natural manner. You can do this by getting involved in conversations and participating in events within your niche. Contribute to discussions on complex or trending topics. This way you will get noticed by other people who haven’t heard about you. This will give them a reason for you to be followed, as well as a push to look at your content.

Social media advertising is another way you can position yourself, although it’s less natural and more effective. With social media ads, you can get your content to pages of people who wouldn’t usually come across your content. This increases your reach, gives you the chance to increase your followership, engagements, and helps overcome the content plateau. Instagram and Facebook are both very popular social media platforms. With a mixture of them, it is possible to reach a large number of different age groups. Instagram provides more access to older individuals, while Instagram offers more to younger people.


Think about the terrifying plateau. This last pillar connects to all others. Although you could name this pillar anything else, the pillar is about the importance of always looking at ways to take what you’re doing up a few notches. 

You will discuss it with 4 other tips.

  • Your Branding Needs to be Updated

Your branding isn’t only done at the start of your journey. You must ensure that your branding doesn’t get old as you move along. You must keep updating your brand with new information. The idea is to make little additions frequently,  to give it a fresher feel. You will then come up with a brilliant rebranding plan after it has been a while that seems slow. Rebranding is the real meaning of this term.

  • Updating your Audience

Updating your audience doesn’t exactly mean changing your target audience. Your audience is changing. People who initially followed you and were targeted are growing up, with new interests. Target teenagers for 2018 and 2022, most will be adults. The next step is to make sure that you welcome all members of your audience.

It will require adapting to the changing times and restructuring content according to the preferences of your new audience.

  • Update your content

These changes will be reflected in your audience and branding. This will result in a significant change that you won’t have to take conscious actions towards.

Your knowledge of the subject is one area you can improve. You can improve your knowledge of content and deliver better messages by using top-rated online learning platforms.

  • Updating your Positioning

You can improve your standing as an expert by going above the average and demonstrating your knowledge. Start offering courses, consulting, and influencing.

You will be able to get brand endorsements or collaborations as well as a lot of monetization opportunities.

We hope you found helpful, applicable tips in this article that’ll help you grow and develop as a content creator. Talkytimes is the place to begin your content creation journey. 😎

Entrepreneurship Life published the article 5 Pillars of Content Strategy with Talkytimes.

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