Is Your Digital Transformation Stuck? Three Simple Strategies to Get Your Organization Moving

Enterprise Radio’s Dr. Victoria M. Grady is an expert in organizational management with over a decade of experience at Fortune 500 companies, as well as public and private organisations around the globe. She is the co-author of Stuck: How to Win at Work by Understanding Loss.

Enterprise Radio’s latest episode is in association with Author Channel.

Pay attention to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Victoria M. Grady discuss the following:

  1. Your inspiration for the book’s title?
  2. What was the first time you met Patrick McCreesh?
  3. Is Attachment Theory something you were first interested in?
  4. What makes you believe understanding attachment behavior is crucial to managing change?
  5. Let me know more about Transitional Objects.
  6. Is it possible to coach or advise an organization in the identification of its Transitional Objects.
  7. What is the best way to identify Transitional Objects in a large company?

Dr. Victoria M. Grady and Patrick McCreesh, PhD are organizational experts with decades of experience in Fortune 500, public and private organizations worldwide. They’re the authors of Stuck: How to Win at Work by Understanding Loss. Dr. Grady is also president of PivotPoint and a research consultant at Dixon Hughes Goodman (DHG), and Patrick McCreesh is the managing partner of Simatree, and serves as adjunct faculty at Georgetown University and George Mason University Business School.


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Are you stuck in your digital transformation? Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN: Three Simple Strategies for Getting Your Organization Moving

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