Enterprise Radio welcomes Paola Knecht as a coach for self-development, leadership and transformation. She is the founder of My Mindpower Coaching & Consulting and author of the new book You can take back the leadership of your mind with The Success Mindset.
Enterprise Radio has teamed up with Author Channel for this episode.
Hear to host Eric Dye & guest Paola Knecht discuss the following:
- When people hear the word “success,” most of us picture Hollywood stars, famous athletes, or business gurus living the good life. However, you might be wrong to think that this vision of success is harmful. What is the problem?
- What is the best way to define a vision in your own life?
- Is there anything that keeps us from achieving our goals? What can we do to get on the right track again?
- In your book, you explain that “saying no” can be your best ally. Please tell us more.
- What’s the one piece of advice you hope readers take from your book?
Paola Knecht is a certified leadership, transformational, and self-development coach. Knecht’s 15-years of experience working in global, leading-edge corporations such as Viatris, Syngenta and other companies is a valuable resource for helping individuals transform their personal and professional lives. She is the founder of My Mindpower Coaching & Consulting and author of the new book You can take back the leadership of your mind with The Success Mindset (November 8, 2002
Site: https://my-mindpower.com
Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mymindpower_coaching
Facebook: https://facebook.com/mindpowercoaching
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