The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time

Dr. Christopher Gilbert, author of the award-winning book The Noble Edge is a senior international ethics consultant and popular keynote speaker joins Enterprise Radio. Co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting and a Fortune 500 and government executive, he traveled the world to promote trust and sustainability in business.

Enterprise Radio’s latest episode is in association with Author Channel.

Hear to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Christopher Gilbert discuss the following:

  1. Tell us about your book THE NOBLE EDGE – what is it about and who did you write it for?
  2. The book’s subtitle Unifying the World for Ethical Living One Step at a time This seems to suggest that even the smallest decisions or choices can make all the difference. Is that true?
  3. Given all the unrest in today’s society your book seems to be here at the right time. What key steps can you offer someone who’s looking to break free from our deep divisions and “alternative facts.”
  4. It has never been more crucial for business to be transparent. Which company can ensure their customers and employees are honest?
  5. Transparency can give a business an advantage. How can it contribute to your bottom line?

Christopher Gilbert, the author of The Noble Edge and senior international ethic consultant is a well-known keynote speaker. Co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting and a Fortune 500 and government executive, he traveled the world to promote trust and sustainability in business.

Christopher is a contributor author for CNBC, Fox News and Yahoo Finance. His appearances on national syndicated radio and worldwide podcasts have been an honor.

Christopher is a motivational speaker/author and is well known for his wit, humor and ability to inspire. A Ph.D. in leadership ethics is his specialty. His family is blessed with the opportunity to sail and live on the Salish Sea, just outside Seattle.


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Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN first published The Noble Edge : Reclaiming an Ethical World, One Choice at a Times.

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