You’ll find out about this in Smart Talk Episode 86 with Yasmine Musafa
- HerFamily storyHow she got to the USA
- How does she?Motivated herselfAnd started a tech company
- Whey is vital for many reasons.Technology for girls and women
- How she got startedIt’s a Philadelphia thing for girls
It’s a Girl Thing
It’s hard to know where you should start when there are so many reasons I invited my guest today. She is a woman who lived the American Dream, a refugee from the Person Gulf War, who later built and sold a successful technology company. While she was busy working, she also found the time to give back to her community by teaching young girls technology and participating in entrepreneurial conversations.
Funny story: I found an old profile of my guest online and she wrote “Just a girl who wants leave her mark on the world and make some difference.” Yasmine Mustafa is my guest.
Yasmine Mustafa Founded 123LinkIt (a blog advertising company) which was acquired in 2011. Because she was not a techie, she founded 123LinkIt in 2011.Girl Develop It Philly A national organization that empowers women from diverse backgrounds to learn software development. Yasmine recently returned from a six month trip through South America, and is currently working on her next venture.
Girl Develop It is an international organization, certified by the Board of Education, that exists to provide affordable and accessible programs to women who want to learn software development through mentorship and hands-on instruction. TechGirlz is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit that aims to bridge the gender gap in the STEM fields by introducing adolescent girls to technology.